Bath Bomb FAQ's
Do you send the bath bombs unopened or already revealed?
At this time we are allowing the option for you to choose whether you want your bomb to be revealed or shipped to you. Please select your choice upon checkout. This is subject to change.
If your revealing them then why do I need to choose a scent?
If your having your bomb revealed then scent is really not an issue but if may have the size you want inside. Some people choose the scent because they do have them shipped to them and others think the scent is a good one to do.
How much is my jewelry worth?
All jewelry in the bombs are guaranteed to be at a value of at least $20 or more.
Oyster/Pearl FAQ's
Are the oysters guaranteed to have a pearl inside?
Yes, all oysters are guaranteed to have at least one pearl inside. However, there is no guarantee that you will have 2, 3, or more.
Do you send them opened or unopened?
At this time all oysters are opened during lives only and you will be sent the pearl and any other additional items you may have ordered. We are looking into putting together an at home kit so it is possible for future purchases.
Do we get to pick what pearl(s) we want from the ones opened during the lives?
You don't get to purchase which pearl you want, as you will receive whatever pearl(s) that are inside your oyster. If loose pearls are available for purchase you may order those.
Do you do the reveals in any certain order?
We try to do reveals in the order in which the purchases come in. However, there may be times when we have to jump to the next person in line, but we do try to keep things in order.
Do we get to keep all the pearls from the oyster?
Yes, all the pearl(s) that are revealed are yours.